Enable/Synch Control
Thermal Shutdown
The MP2377 has a dedicated Enable/Synch
control pin (EN/SYNC). By pulling it high or low,
the IC can be enabled and disabled by EN. Tie
EN to VIN for automatic start up. To disable the
part, EN must be pulled low for at least 5μs.
Thermal shutdown is implemented to prevent
the chip from operating at exceedingly high
temperatures. When the silicon die temperature
is higher than 150°C, it shuts down the whole
chip. When the temperature is lower than its
lower threshold, typically 140°C, the chip is
enabled again.
The MP2377 can be synchronized to external
clock range from 300KHz up to 1.4MHz through
the EN/SYNC pin. The internal clock rising
edge is synchronized to the external clock rising
Floating Driver and Bootstrap Charging
The floating power MOSFET driver is powered
by an external bootstrap capacitor. This floating
driver has its own UVLO protection. This
UVLO’s rising threshold is 2.2V with a
hysteresis of 150mV. The bootstrap capacitor
voltage is regulated internally (Figure 2). Even
at no load condition, as long as VIN is 3V higher
than VOUT, C4 will have enough voltage
provided by VIN through D2, M2 C4, L1 and C2.
If (VIN-VSW) is more than 5V, U2 will regulate M2
to maintain a 5V BST voltage across C4.
Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
Under-voltage lockout (UVLO) is implemented
to protect the chip from operating at insufficient
supply voltage. The MP2377 UVLO comparator
monitors the output voltage of the internal
regulator, VCC. The UVLO rising threshold is
about 4.0V while its falling threshold is about
Internal Soft-Start
The soft-start is implemented to prevent the
converter output voltage from overshooting
during startup. When the chip starts, the
internal circuitry generates a soft-start voltage
(SS) ramping up from 0V to 1.2V. When it is
lower than the internal reference (REF), SS
overrides REF so the error amplifier uses SS as
the reference. When SS is higher than REF,
REF regains control.
Over-Current-Protection and Latchoff
The MP2377 has cycle-by-cycle over current
limit when the inductor current peak value
exceeds the set current limit threshold.
Meanwhile, output voltage starts to drop until
FB is below the Under-Voltage(UV) threshold,
typically 30% below the reference. Once a UV
is triggered, the MP2377 is latched off until En
or IN is recycled. This protection mode is
especially useful when the output is dead-short
to ground.
Figure 2—Internal Bootstrap Charging Circuit
Startup and Shutdown
If both VIN and EN are higher than their
appropriate thresholds, the chip starts. The
reference block starts first, generating stable
reference voltage and currents, and then the
internal regulator is enabled. The regulator
provides stable supply for the remaining
Three events can shut down the chip: EN low,
VIN low and thermal shutdown. In the shutdown
procedure, the signaling path is first blocked to
avoid any fault triggering. The COMP voltage
and the internal supply rail are then pulled
down. The floating driver is not subject to this
shutdown command.
MP2377 Rev. 0.92
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